
Over on Chie and Weng Read Books, we’ve introduced a new feature called Process. We still aren’t sure how regular this feature will be, but we do want to publish these kinds of discussions from time to time. Do drop by as today we have Dean Alfar and Joseph Nacino talking about process and the challenges of Filipino SFF

Talking about process, I also recognize how working towards increasing visibility and working towards better representations and diversity in SFF is a lot of work. It also isn’t a work that can be done by one person, but it is a collective work. If you’re a reader, expand your horizons and go read something that’s outside of your comfort zone. 

If you are a writer of color or a queer writer, right now it may feel like everything is a struggle. We are struggling to make space for ourselves and for our narratives. Change is slow. We are still in process. But we will get there. Just keep on writing and telling your stories the way you want to tell them. 

To you who encourage us and keep us going. Thank you. Peace, love and courage. 

reviews, publications and super-secret projects

Over at Chie and Weng Read Books, I review Sabrina Vourvoulias’s excellent first novel, Ink. I didn’t have time to post about this when it went up, but last week we also reviewed J.M. Sidorova’s The Age of Ice. We also have an interview with the author on the blog, so do check it out if you feel so inclined.

We See a Different Frontier, published by The Future Fire and edited by Djibril Al-Ayad and Fabio Fernandes is now out. It’s been getting some interesting reviews, including this one where my story gets called the “most vengeful” story of the lot. I’m quite flattered by that description actually. I mean, heads go flying in this story, so if people called it tame, I would be really worried.

Right now, I am reading the print proofs for What Fates Impose. I’m quite blown away by the work of my toc-mates and it’s quite a blast to find myself in an anthology with people whose work I admire. I am also quite impressed by Alliteration Ink, our editor Nayad Monroe and our publisher, Steven Saus.

Over the course of this summer break, I’ve written tons of words. I’m very close to finishing draft on a super-secret project and will post more on that soon, including snippets. Yes, I’m superstitious like that so that’s as much as I’m going to say about it before it’s finished.

Update and Monday’s content on the book blog

It’s Monday morning and I’m all packed up and waiting in the hotel lobby. Nine Worlds has been amazing. I’ve been so inspired and I have many things I want to share, but I’ll save that for when I get home. 

In the meantime, I’ve quickly posted my big sister’s review of On a Red Station Drifting by Aliette de Bodard. I have yet to argue with my big sis over a book. But we do have plans to do a book discussion sometime soon. Watch out for that. We may yet come to loggerheads over something. 

Happy Monday all. 

I’m having so much fun with this book blog

We’ve got a new post up on Chie and Weng Read Books. Ekaterina Sedia gave us a fantastic interview and I just loved reading her answers. Do drop by and read when you have time. 

I’m enjoying this book blog a lot and I think it’s because reading books has always been a magical experience for me, and getting to know authors and interview them is a treat. 

Jan asked me why I thought up this idea to have a book blog and I realized that the book blog has its roots in the things I shared with my big sis. 

It was born from a desire to keep the ties that bind my sis and I together and sprung forth from the memory of sharing a room, fighting over the same books, debating the merits of whatever we’d read, and long conversations over the dining table. 

Each time I read something fantastic, I want to share it with my sis. Each time I visit a historical city, I wish my sis were there with me (because she is such a history lover). Growing up, we argued a lot. We were only a year apart. She didn’t like rock music, but she endured the season when I felt it was absolutely necessary to play Queen at full volume over and over again. And then there was the time she walked home all the way from the bank in sweltering heat because I’d hidden her bank book and replaced it with mine. (I was an evil sister).  When I said I was leaving for the Netherlands, she shouted at me: Well then, go already. 

My sister and I love books. We’ve just chosen this book blog as the space where we continue to conduct our conversations about books and the people who write them. And because it doesn’t get said enough, I love you, Sis. 🙂